The Ultimate Headless Guitar & Bass Resource

Headless Restoration Gallery Page 2

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a Steinberger bass conversion from a fretted bass to a lined fretless bass
A few Newburgh Steinberger Q4's in for full restorations...
A rare Steinberger GL3TA Version #1 TransTrem, with three single coil pickups, in the shop for a complete restoration
a Steinberger GL4T Roland MIDI controller in for restoration...
A very rare factory issue triple humbucker Steinberger GM8TW in for an HAZ Active electronics upgrade on a Steinberger XM2 Bass
Repairing a sheared off bridge mounting screw on a Steinberger a bass bridge restoration
Miscellaneous bench photos...
Restoration of a Steinberger bass bridge and a guitar neck
Gelcoat repairs with a full refret, along with new pickups and a TransTrem rebuild...
A rare glimpse at the inner workings of a Steinberger GL2T Roland MIDI controller guitar!
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